A photo blog of mostly fisheye photos of classic and modern cars, exotic and not so exotic places, and other types of photography that interest yours truly including wide angle, panorama, infrared, travel and moon shots. All photos are free for use as long as appropriate attribution is provided. All questions regarding these photos should be sent to, attention Michael J Posner

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Favorite Car Web Sites

I frequently get asked what are my favorite car sites on the web.
That is an easy answer as I follow a few sites diligently.

My favorite site is Jalopnik, a site famous for its nice price/crack price
cars for sale, plus car reviews, seen on teh street feature, and car news and info
from around the world.

For in depth car news and reviews, I go to Autoblog, the grand daddy
of car websites.  They have the best scoops on new cars

Another good review site with lots of opinions is TTAC.  As a former
contributor, they offer a lot of good new and used car reviews.

The classiest website is Winding Road with gorgeous pictures
and a lot of car info.

Finally, for the real old school readers, there is Horse and Buggy, for
those unwilling or unable to leave the 19th Century behind. 
This one is for you.

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